Sting Report is a service for extracting information about an individual amino acid of a protein. This information is presented as a series of GIF images and a table, integrated in a single printer-friendly HTML page, containing values of up to 125 structure/function descriptors/parameters. Sting Report allows the visualization of all the information about a specific residue, on platforms with the most elementary configurations (without Java, Chime or other plug-ins).

The Sting Report user must specify the protein (by its PDB key), the chain and the residue, and select the images and tables to be included the resulting document, among those available in the Sting modules (for example, Java Protein Dossier, Contacts, Ramachandran Plot, Scorpion and Formiga). Sting Report coordinates the execution of the modules selected by the user, submitting to them the query that specifies the residue and conditions to calculate the parameters and generate the outputs. Finally, Sting Report assembles the outputs returned by the activated modules in the resulting HTML document.

One o the most important features of Sting Report is the fact that a user may generate reports for the amino acids of specific interest to her/him. For example, a user would like to have a printed report on the structurally equivalent (aligned) residues from two serino proteases. See details on how to select those two amino acids by first using Java Protein Dossier for aligning two protein structures.

The user can rely on the help for any of the components that he/she wants to include in a report. This is provided by a site sensitive help pointer, which takes the user to the position describing the Sting module employed to generate the respective report component. In addition, a user is invited to see the section parameter/descriptor name and content description in the Java Protein Dossier Help.

The pictures below present a schematic view of some GIF image panels produced by Sting Report. We have used 1cho.pdb, chain E, residue HIS_57 to generate this example report. Other panels will be added with the time, expanding the GIF image collection of Sting Report.

Note: STING Report, starting from DIAMOND version, is now able to calculate and present in a table form, all parameters pertinent to a whole protein chain. Default option ofr the STING Report now is to show such table at the very end of STING Report.

Java Protein Dossier:
[ Program Help ]


Java Table of Contacts:
[ Program Help ]


Graphical Contacts:
[ Program Help ]

Graphical Internal

Residue: HIS_57

Graphical Interface
Forming Contacts

Residue: HIS_57


[ Program Help ]




Ca-Ca Distance Plot:
[ Program Help ]

Cb-Cb Distance Plot:
[ Program Help ]


Ramachandran Plot:
[ Program Help ]



X-Y Graphics:
[ Program Help ]


Relative Entropy HSSP



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[ Program Help ]


[ Program Help ]


Order of Cross Presence/Link:
[ Program Help ]


Space Clash:
[ Program Help ]


Important Sequence, Function Parameters, Structure.