
In order to provide the appropriate INPUT files for the Java Protein Dossier mode which allows for a structural alignment of the two structures and their STING Parameters, a user needs first to obtain a TGZ file for each of the two local pdb formatted files that need to be aligned.

To do so, a user needs to go to the STING Millennium entry page where she/he will find a following table:

Public files
in PDB Format [****.pdb available @PDB]
Local files
[*.pdb and *.tgz @your_local_directory]

By opting for a choice:

Local Files:
Generate TGZ file,

a user can obtain by e-mail a TGZ file for one and then for another structure and then enter each one of them as an input file to JPD. JPD will then call CE program for structural alignment and present STRUCTURALLY aligned STING Parameters to a user.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Any combination of TGZ and PUBLIC file will work!