See here information on what you need to run properly STING Millennium and BLUE STAR STING Components

Public files
in PDB Format [****.pdb available @PDB]
Launch STING Millennium with a public PDB file
Local files
[*.pdb and *.tgz @your_local_directory]
Start STING with a local PDB file and analyze immediately a reduced parameter list calculated on line [requires 1-30s for calculation]
Start STING with a TGZ file and analyze immediately all parameters
Generate TGZ file: submit a job to the STING_server


Launch STING MILLENNIUM with a public PDB file

Chose the size of the BLUE STAR STING window:
640x480 800x640 1024x768 1280x1024
Start STING with a public PDB file and analyze all parameters pre-calculated and stored in STING_DB

Enter 4 letter code of the PDB format file (Example: type in 1ppf ). Then STING It!









Launch STING MILLENNIUM with your local file in PDB format
Browse to PDB format file at any position on your local computer. Then STING It!

Chose the size of the BLUE STAR STING window:
640x480 800x640 1024x768 1280x1024
Start STING with a local PDB_formatted file and analyze immediately a reduced parameter list calculated on line (Ramachandran Plot, Contacts, IFR Contacts, Ca_Ca and Cb_Cb distances, Local AA environment with Scorpion and Formiga)








Launch STING Millennium with your
local file in TGZ format

Browse to TGZ format file at any position on your local computer. Then STING It!

Chose the size of the BLUE STAR STING window:
640x480 800x640 1024x768 1280x1024
Start STING with a local TGZ_formatted file and analyze immediately all parameters calculated for your local file.









Generate a TGZ file containing all STING parameters by submitting the job to the STING_server using your local file in PDB format or a model created by the programs SwissModel or Modeller.
By submitting a local PDB_formatted file to STING_server, you will receive by e-mail a TGZ formatted file containing all STING Parameters (use TGZ file as an input to the STING Millennium JPD, and MSSP)
Repeat E-mail
Browse to PDB format file at any position on your local computer.
Now you can submit a compressed file contains many PDB format files.
The archive must contains only PDB format file, any folder or other files will be discarded.
Local File
Tentative File Name Important Notes











Launch STING MILLENNIUM for two structurally aligned PDB files

Browse first to Multiple Structure Alignment (PDB format file),
and then to
Multiple Sequence Alignment (PRISM or CE format of MSA) file,
Both files should be at your local computer directory. Then STING It!

PDB file:

See here example of PDB file with coordinates for two aligned amylase structures (1dhk.pdb and 1jdd.pdb). Copy this file to your computer and then use Browse above! Before clicking on STING It, you must indicate MSA file that corresponds to aligned structures in given PDB file.

Multiple Sequence Alignment:

See here example of Multiple Sequence Alignment {MSA} file (with sequences obeying structure alignment) for two aligned amylase structures (1dhk.pdb and 1jdd.pdb). Copy this file to your computer and then use Browse below! After this, and provided you have previously downloaded PDB formatted file containing aligned strictures (above), you may
MSA file:
Chose the size of the BLUE STAR STING window:
640x480 800x640 1024x768 1280x1024