The CHIME compatibility rules below were valid until 10/01/2002



SMS 2.3 offers 3 different types of the entry web page: text (slow internet) and graphics illustrrated (fast internet). The last two ones make extensive use of java script so that MS IE 4.7 would not function properly.

The only fully compatible brawser with SMS 2.3 is NETSCAPE 4.72.

MS IE 6.026 will work fine except for "live connect" which makes possible communication between the sequence screen and the graphics screen (Chime window). This however is no problem if the user will only access Protein Dossier for exemple.


1. PC
PC version of the STING Millennium client will operate correctly with:
Netscape 4.03 or higher (4.7 recomended) but NOT with 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.72 SP1 and NOT 5.5 SP2 as recomended by MDL (see MDL msg on CHIME and Explorer compatibility below)
Chime Version 2.6 SP2

2. SGI

The OLD version of STING Millennium client (known as "STING") was operational on SGI workstations, however, this version is not. This is because the MDL did not release CHIME version 2 for SGI IRIX operating system.
STING Millennium SERVER version is running on SGI servers.

3. Linux

There is no Chime for linux. However, for linux on x86 computers only, Codeweavers' Crossover Plugin (available for US$20 in October 2001) makes it possible to run Chime (for Windows) in linux Netscape and Mozilla (without a Windows subsystem). See the details. We have tested this personally.