Embrapa / Bioinformatics Laboratory / BBNet - BBRC
"Centro da BioInformatica Estrutural" (CBI) located at EMBRAPA/CNPTIA, UNICAMP-CAMPINAS, received funding from 3 most important Brazilian national and state agencies: CNPq, FINEP and FAPESP. Following international recognition of our work which culminated on January 22, 2002 by installation of our STING Millennium Suite at RCSB/PDB official web site, Brazilian national science foundation agencies (CNPq and FINEP) as well as State of Sao Paulo science foundation agency (FAPESP) have pledged resources for financing our projects.
"Aplicação de técnicas de reconhecimento de padrões usando os descritores estruturais de proteínas da base de dados do software STING para discriminação do sítio catalítico de enzimas"

"Structural BioInformatics Research and Service Center (CBI)"

"Structural Bioinformatics Applications with high demand for available CPU time in post-genomic era "

"Bioinformatics: From Gene Annotation to Development of Drugs - Implementation of new Computational Tools, Proprietary Data Banks and Metacomputing Concept"


Last Update: December 2010