Install and Configure Java Plugin 1.3.1 for Netscape or Mozilla on Linux

1. Download Java Run Time Environment (JRE) 1.3.1  

2. Install JRE 1.3.1

2.1 Execute the downloaded binary file j2re-1_3_1_11-linux-i586.rpm.bin in order to extract the RPM:

chmod 744 j2re-1_3_1_11-linux-i586.rpm.bin


2.2 Install the RPM jre-1.3.1_11.i586.rpm

rpm -i jre-1.3.1_11.i586.rpm

3. Create a link from the plugin directory of your Web browser to the plugin located in the subdirectory plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32 of the location where JRE 1.3.1 has been installed
cd <WEB_BROWSER_HOME>/plugins
ln -s <JRE_1_3_1_HOME>/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/ .

Obs.: In order to find the location where JRE 1.3.1 has been installed (<JRE_1_3_1_HOME>) you can use the command:

rpm -q jre-1.3.1_11.i586

4. Configuring Java Plug-in Runtime Parameters
Type ControlPanel in the command line and then fill the field Java Runtime Parameters as below and click apply:

5. Reopen your Web browser.